Welcome to Tuesday the 17th of January and the 17th Day of 2023. Today, we are looking at 10 EVENT SIDE HUSTLES YOU CAN START IN 2023.
Events are a big deal in Ghana and most parts of the world and though COVID enhanced the virtual events space, people still value physical events and now more than ever, there are events happening almost everyday.
From conferences, to meetings, to workshops, to engagements, weddings, anniversary and birthday celebrations, corporate events and so many more events happening consistently. In considering ways of generating some extra money or having multiple streams of income, one can not go wrong taking a close look at the event space and figuring out ways to offer products, services and solutions that will bring you money.
So let’s look at the 10 Event Side Hustles you can start in 2023.
1. EVENT MC – These are becoming a hot commodity in the market and considering the need for MCs during almost all events, paying attention to and becoming an event MC can generate some good money for you.
2. EVENT CATERING – Food, pastries and finger foods are served at almost every event and when you are good at cooking and can spare some time during the evenings and weekends, this may be a good idea to consider.
3. COCKTAIL BARS – This is becoming a necessity at events especially weddings and when you get your branding and Instagram page right, you will be struggling to meet the demand in no time.
4. EVENT ICE CREAM SUPPLY – Not sure when this started but it has obviously come to stay. Popularly known as Abele; this ice cream is fast becoming a preferred item on the menu at events.
5. EVENT PLANNING – Considering all the moving parts at events, having a planner brings sanity and order and ensures the success of the event.
6. USHERING AGENCY – Providing ushering and protocol services is required at most events and all it takes to start is putting together a group of young people, grooming and branding them and presenting them at events.
7. EVENT BLOGGER / INFLUENCER – Most young people now, more than ever, want their events especially engagements and weddings to trend and anyone who can help them get that, gets paid for it.
8. EVENT SUPPLIES & RENTALS – Interestingly, you don’t even need to own the items to supply or rent them. You can simply put a database of suppliers and rental companies together and coordinate the supply chain.
9. EVENT PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEOGRAPHY – Pictures and videos capture the memories of all events and when you learn how to take pictures and videos, edit and present them, you certainly will start making some good side money.
10. EVENT SOUVENIRS PROVISION – If you are creative and can produce exciting and affordable event souvenirs or mobilize and make available souvenirs for events, you will be smiling to the bank someday.
There you have it, 10 Event Side Hustles you can consider going into this year.
I wish you a productive Tuesday and if you haven’t signed up for the ONE GOAL FOR 2023 Campaign, do so here: https://emba.ekowmensah.com/onegoal2023/ and get access to the support you need to achieve your goal from me and other mentors, coaches and consultants.