Welcome to Thursday the 19th of January and the 19th Day of 2023. Today, we are looking at 4 CREATIVE WAYS TO MARKET & SELL YOUR BUSINESS OR SIDEHUSTLE.
It is relatively easy to think up ideas and fantasize about setting up and running a business or side hustle. The real work starts after the products or service to be rendered have been clarified and the fundamentals of registering, branding, setting up social media pages, building a website and so on have been put in place.
The one important and constant aspect of most businesses is marketing and sales. Two critical activities that can not be left to chance, slacked on or done wrongly as every action, inaction or wrong move affects your ability to make money, keep a healthy cashflow and ensure your business growth.
In business, cash is king and cashflow is at the core of the business’ very existence. If you fail to pay attention to your cashflow, the business will definitely collapse.
So let’s look at the 4 creative ways to market and sell your business or side hustle.
1. BUILD AN ENGAGING SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE – As powerful as social media is, it is driven by social interactions and engagements and the more exciting, entertaining, interactive, educative and intimate your page is, the more attractive it will become. You can leverage on that attention to constantly but subtly remind your audience about your business.
People generally hate to be sold to, so if you keep posting about your business daily, you are likely to lose your audience. Examples of how this has been done successfully will be BigGodwin Martey and Se Lorm who have used social engagements and jokes to capture a large following and recognition for themselves and their businesses.
2. BUILD A CLEAR BRAND IDENTITY – Be intentional about getting people to associate your personal brand with your business or side hustle; making your name synonymous with what you do or offer. Always wear and have branded souvenirs like T-Shirts, Cups, Mugs, Phone Covers and so on and ensure you are constantly displaying them everywhere you go and predominantly on social media. A good example of this will be Dovi Senyo with #BIFAP.
3. BUILD STRATEGIC ALIGNMENTS – Be strategic with your associations and alignments, be at events that generate media hype, take pictures of you at the event and with recognizable brands, faces and influencers, keep posting these and align them with your business. A good example of this is with how Mary A. Serwaa Dickson sells her #WomJournals and Nalo Solutions Limited
4. GIVE FREEBIES & CONDUCT COMPETITIONS: People love freebies like samples of your products, airtime, gift and shopping vouchers, momo and discounts. People love to win and when you conduct contests that will get people to win something; it will help you generate a good prospect list which you can leverage on to get clients. Again; BigGodwin Martey has been successful at using this strategy and I am not sure there is anyone on his timeline who does not know he sells software and water.
Not sure which of these 4 ways you use or will use but remember; it is the consistency that produces the results not the one offs.
If you haven’t signed up for the ONE GOAL FOR 2023 Campaign, do so here: https://emba.ekowmensah.com/onegoal2023/ and get access to the support you need to achieve your goal from me and other mentors, coaches and consultants.