Welcome to Monday the 23rd of January and the 23rd Day of 2023. Today we are looking at the 5 WAYS OF BECOMING THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER.
In this noisy world of social media, inundated with awards and numerous recognitions, it is challenging to know, at first glance, who the gems are from the stones as the latter sometimes shine brighter than the former.
With time though, the gems emerge as a result of their consistent delivery and outstanding performance at work, in their business and in their lives in general.
Being good is not enough, you must aim to be the most sought after in your field, your business or your career to ensure you are consistently relevant in the market place, attracting opportunities for growth, development and wealth.
So these are the 5 ways to ensure you are on the path of becoming the most sought after.
1. BE CLEAR ON WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU OFFER: Knowing who you are and what you bring to the table is paramount to your success in any endeavour. Clarity helps you to know what works for you, what you can deliver on and what to focus on. It prevents you from overwhelming yourself and getting involved in activities that do not bring you or offer value.
2. NEVER STOP LEARNING & EVOLVING: The world is constantly changing and with that change comes expectations which place demands on you to know more, be more and deliver more. Things are consistently becoming obsolete and when you choose to stick to what you know and never keep learning, unlearning, relearning and evolving; you will find yourself being irrelevant in no time.
3. BE ON TIME AND STAY LONGER: Time is a scarce commodity, once lost can not be retrieved or reused. How one treats time tells a lot about who they are and how they treat people and in your quest to be the most sought after, make it a non-negotiable rule to be on time always and in most cases stay longer to get the work done at all cost.
4. BUILD RESOURCEFUL NETWORKS – Relationship building should be at the core of your pursuit in becoming the most sought after as sometimes, it is not just about how good you are but how good others say you are and how much they are willing to vouch for you. Having a resourceful network pushes you to learn more, be more and do more.
5. KNOW WHO TO MAKE HAPPY & MAKE TIME HAPPY ALWAYS- It is true, in most cases, that he who pays the piper calls the tune. When you work for someone, your goal is to determine who you need to make happy, what it takes to make them happy professionally and getting to work on doing just that consistently. If you run your own business, your focus should always be on your client and investors; the happier they are, the more willing they are to patronize more and refer you to others. The reverse is true as well.
There are other nuggets to follow in your quest to be the most sought after but for today, these 5 should suffice. Start with them and see your career and business take off.
If you haven’t signed up for the ONE GOAL FOR 2023 Campaign, do so here: https://emba.ekowmensah.com/onegoal2023/ and get access to the support you need to achieve your goal from me and other mentors, coaches and consultants.