Welcome to Tuesday the 24th of January and the 24th Day of 2023. Today we are looking at the 7 POSITIVE THINGS THAT CAN BE NEGATIVE WHEN OVERDONE (Part One).
Newton’s Third Law states that for every action in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is so not just in Physics but in life in general. For everything that we do, there are consequences; sometimes positive, other times negative.
There are some positive things that we do in life that result in positive reactions but when these same things are overdone, it can result in negative consequences which can adversely affect our lives, careers or businesses. Today we are examining 7 of those things and how to avoid going overboard with them.
1. HAVING IDEAS – Earl Nightingale once said; everything begins with an idea. I can not imagine a world without ideas but ideas in themselves are not worth much without action. Execution; more than ideas is what drives change so having a lot of ideas all at once can be negative as you may lack what it takes to properly execute any of them.
2. MAKING FRIENDS – “Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.” says Tennessee Williams. Being aware of the impact friends have on us, randomly making friends without being intentional and strategic can result in negative consequences as you will not be able to take time to build meaningful connections that will guarantee dependability in tough and uncertain times. The aim should not be about just making friends but establishing resourceful connections that last a lifetime.
3. BEING OPTIMISTIC – Being optimistic is being hopeful and confident about the future or having high expectations of situations, people and events. As positive as being optimistic is, when overindulged in can result in you failing to be realistic and taking pragmatic steps to solve problems, address issues and take control of situations. It can result in you being overly trusting and equally disappointed or hurt then things don’t turn out as anticipated or expected.
Above are 3 out of the 7 Positive things that can be negative when overdone. I will bring you the remaining 4 in the part 2 of this article. Stay glued.
Have you heard of the ONE GOAL FOR 2023 Campaign, Sign up here: https://emba.ekowmensah.com/onegoal2023/ and get access to the support you need to achieve your goal for 2023 from me and other mentors, coaches and consultants.
Do have a productive Tuesday!!!